British student championship 2016 April
Kian with a 4kg PB. 110kg snatch+135kg clean & Jerk, he lost gold by body weight to Chi Chea with the same total of 245kg. Not bad for a 17 year old with 76.400kg body weight.
Nam Ahmadi made a 3kg personal best in his Snatch but unfortunately bombed out in his clean and jerk with 133kg.
Sophyia came back to training after one year. At the British student championships in the 58kg category, she managed in the Snatch 37, 41x, 41x and in the Clean & jerk : 45 ,50x, 50
Hopefully she reaches her best before the British youths.
The first national experience for 17 year old , Oliver Fox with 5kg PB in C&J with 110kg.
Dropped 85 & 86kg in power snatch position!
Thanks to Shila, Beth , Oliver and Kerensky who came and supported their own club.
I wish one day everyone learns this kind of friendship and team support as it will be for them one day too.